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Bakkal International Foods Published by Bakkal International Foods Does this look familiar? We've been featured in a music video! Check out Hulvey's "Mad Today" below, or stop by Bakkal International Foods to browse our selection for yourself. We're always ready to serve our customers!
We have released our new look and the e-commerce experience as of June 7th 2021. Hopefully you like our new look. Our previous customers need to update their information as well as their login information by clicking "Forgot Password?" link. Please do not hesitate to contact us during this transition at (404) 847-9942 and Happy shopping!
You're not dreaming -- we're really offering you free shipping on orders of $100 or more*! Visit the link below to start shopping today. * Depending on the destination zone (zip code), there could be a surcharge for packages over certain weight limits. Contact us at (404) 847-9942 or Click below for the details.
See what they say about us on Atlanta Magazine!