To make sure that you will like it, in the recipe of the dish we used red and fleshy bell pepper; the tastiest variety of pepper. This is the key ingredient of the vegetable pâté with bell peppers, and the celery enhances its taste. The product, rich in soy and wheat extracts, fresh and dehydrated vegetables, with the addition of rosemary and mustard, has a fine taste, with autumn flavors enriched It is eaten on bread, plain, or as an ingredient for stuffed vegetables.
For a light vegetarian snack, but full of nutrients and minerals, choose the vegetable pate with Mandy spinach. A specialty rich in vegetable protein and minerals from cereals, soy and vegetables and especially due to the spinach content, which makes up 33% of the total ingredients. The fresh taste of spinach and vegetables is complemented and enhanced by onions and a few mustard seeds. An excellent fasting product or vegetarian diet.
Choose the basic dish of Mandy's favorite range of products: the original vegetable pate conquers with its fine taste of fresh vegetables, cereals and spices. The addition of dehydrated tomatoes gives it an extra freshness and a delicate flavor, with Mediterranean notes. Carefully dosed ingredients make up a rich and delicious combination, in which not a single flavor predominates, but each has its own contribution. Ideal for fasting or for vegetarians.