Practical, natural and pure! Our Tat Mushroom is a knight in shining armour for the marvelous tables at your most difficult moments. You will experience great pleasure when cooking while combining health and great flavors together.
POPCORN; is hot climate cereal and has the most third largest cultivation area in turkey among cereals after wheat and barley. The climate of Turkey for corn is quite suitable, so it is grown on a large area. The grains of the popcorn plant contain a high percentage of starch and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin a and sterols TAT POPCORN; Popcorn is cleaned in pre-cleaning screens, cleaned in the light grain and destoner machines, cleaned in optical separator precisely, sorted by size, manually controlled and packaged for final cleaning.
Tat Hot Sauce, which you can use to add flavor to your fried, pasta and meals, will be indispensable for hot lovers. You should store the hot sauce presented in a glass bottle in a place out of direct sunlight. Close the cap tightly after use. This sauce, which is produced completely without additives, adds flavor to your plain meals with its ready-to-use sauce. You can also consume it for breakfast.
Before cooking, keep the products in cold water (10-12 hours), hot water will cause the skins to peel off. Wash it after draining the water. You can use dried beans in appetizers, salads, or make main dishes.